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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dont want to brag but... I WAS RIGHT THEY WERE WRONG!!!!

I hope you can agree that my forecast was freakishly accurate, even from the first snow map which projected the bulls eye to be way west of everyone else, and I had much higher amounts than anyone else. My last map last night In my opinion was dead on. Accuweather had 6-12 inches From Fairfield county to Hartford, while I had 16-20+; had 6-12, or around 10-15 inches, and then other blogs and sources had around 1 foot. So I think the 16-20+ worked out perfectly. Now that I'm done bragging about my forecast, I would like to say that the Tristate area currently has just about (for some less, others more) the amount of snow they should receive for the whole winter, with more than half the Winter to go!!!! Now not to hate on Joe Bastardi, because I really look up to the man, but I believe he said that we would have just about average snowfall for the winter around this area. I mean clearly that is not at all the case. An interesting fact though is that currently a believe almost a 3/4 of the US has snow on the ground, AND even crazier, this past week 49 out of the 50 states saw some type of snow... Hawaii is that one correct? NO, Hawaii was able to get snow in the mountains... I know crazy!!!

-Scott Pecoriello