Hey everyone... i just wanted to briefly discuss the potiental for an eastern snowstorm on friday. It looks to me that there will be a good storm coming across the eastern half of the county from thursday to probably saturday depending on how far east or west you are. The image below shows the storm really dropping a good foot of snow of much of the Kentucky area. it also shows some serious as around memphis. It seems like the storm is going to move eastward and as of now it shows the storm going south of NYC and Boston... It does show NYC getting clipped by the storm though. WV northern VA and southern PA look to be hit pretty good by this storm too. Maryland and northern DE look to be hit also. this is still a long time away. There is still the possibility that the storm doesn't come together... or, what i hope to happen, the storm comes further north and NYC, Hartford, and Boston can get in on the action... well that's it for now... please check the long range forecast and be sure to leave a comment or questions.

Wed. Feb. 3rd... Potential east coast storm... looks too far out to sea... none the less, something to watch. Brings colder air behind
Sat. Feb. 6th... Potential east coast storm... Looks too far out to sea, but not as far as the one on the 3rd... something to watch. Brings colder air behind.
Mon. Feb. 8th... Potential east coast storm... Looks to far to the south... i don't think the south will get hit with snow though, the freezing line will be too far north.